Saturday, July 26, 2008

all about ming dao

Hobbies and Interests:

GuitaR anD DriviNg

Favorite Movies:

Ying Ye 3+1, AnGel LovEr, LegenD Of sTar APple, The MagiCiaNs oF LovE, The PrincE WhO TurNs IntO a FrOg, Le RoBe De MaRiaGe Des CieUx

Favorite Music:

OsT. The priNce Who TuRn inTo a FroG, Ost. The MagiciAns Of LoVe, Ost. AngeL LoveR, Ost. YinG Ye 3+1, anD 183 CluB FirsT aLbuM

Favorite TV Shows:

The KinG oF adVentUrE (SETTV, 2002)

Zodiac Sign:


About Me:

Ming Dao,s ProfilE:
~ NamE : Ming Dao
~ EnglisH NamE: MattHew Lin
~ ReaL NamE : Lin ChaO ZhanG
~ BirtHdaY : 1980 FeBruaRy 26
~ HoRoscOpE : PisCes
~ BlooD tYpe : O
~ HeigHt : 180 Cm
~ WeiGhT : 70 Kg
~ LanguagE SpoKeN : ChineSe, EngLisH, and TaiWaN DialEct
~ Tw Pop GrouP: 183 CluB

Ming Dao first started out as a model. Later on he acted as the host of a reality show called Mao Xian Wang [The King Of Adventure]. He starred in various music videos, then acted in Tian Guo De Jia Yi [Heaven's Wedding Dress]. Most people recognize Ming Dao from Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa [Prince Turned to Frog]. He has two upcoming dramas called Xing Ping Guo Le Yuan & Tian Shi Qing Ren [Angel Lover]. Ming Dao is also a member of the Taiwan band 183 Club, along with 4 other members. The band's music can be heard in the Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa [Prince Turned to Frog] OST and Ai Qing Mo Fa Shi [The Magicians of Love] OST. Their debut album was released on August 7 2006 which featured 10 songs including their first hit One Umbrella .

TV seRieS:
Ying Ye 3+1 (2007)
AngeL LovEr (2006) as Yang Tian You
LegenD Of StaR aPPle (2006) as Tao Si
The maGiciaNs oF loVe (2006) as Du Yasi
The PrincE wHo tuRnS inTo a FroG (2005) as Shan Jun Hao
Le RoBe De MariAge Des CieuX (2004) as Chen Hai Nuo

TV RealiTy ShoW: The KinG oF adVentuRe (SETTV,2002)

Who I Want to Meet:

All MinG DaO's FanS...